
Showing posts from December 16, 2012

December 15, 2012

Pretty quiet on the pottery side this past week. Tied up loose ends from the open house last weekend, ordered a few Christmas gifts, made an Anchorage run on Wednesday for appointments -- one with the surgeon who closed the hole in my left retina in Sept. 2011, and one with my regular eye doctor. Squeezed in a quick stop to say hello to the craft group. Two members were celebrating their 92nd birthday and it was the group's annual holiday luncheon. Stops to see family in Anchorage were abbreviated so we could get back on the snowy roads before commuters were headed to the Valley -- and before road conditions worsened.  Keith moved lots of snow again the latter part of the week and has pathways, driveway, decks and parking area looking great. No gym membership needed! A handful of us are making progress on putting together a potluck for UAA potters of the past -- some of whom are still involved with the studios on campus. We have a date in late December, a list of potential invite...