Final bisque kiln before the Willow Spring Fling Tour on the 27th

An interesting week here with frequent visits by the Sandhill Cranes, the ice going out, Barrow's Goldeneye and loons returning to the lake, plus my first sighting of a rabbit in our yard! The landing of the cranes is comical. After strutting across the ice-filled lake, they would take flight, circle the property, and make their landing on a large open area. So tall! So fun to watch and listen to! Unloaded a kiln yesterday and will begin the waxing process and preparing the pieces for glazing and a second firing. Hope to have that completed by next weekend so there is one week left to clean the studio and be sure all else is in order for the tour on the Saturday of Memorial weekend. Looking forward to seeing many people who we see only occasionally. Hopefully the weather will be inviting and Denali will be at her best! Soon, I will post photos of Bill's, Melinda's, and Joan's new work, and I also encourage you to see what the other three studios are offering, too...