Time to show some pieces...for the May 28 Studio Tour!

Yes, the Studio Tour is coming up on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend , and it's time to give you an idea of some of the new work you'll find at the WillowAK Studio on Shirley Lake. The Dahlia Sale will be outdoors under a tent, with proceeds dedicated to Willow's Grow Your Library Fund. Bill and Kathy Mailer have generously donated all the plants and will be running the sale. Talk about community members who just keep giving -- they certainly do that! Over, and over, and over again. Can't tell you how many dahlia plants there will be, but even though there are LOTS, please don't wait until the end of they day if you are hopeful of purchasing beautiful, red dahlias! There is no guarantee that they will still be available late afternoon. Red dahlias -- a Library fundraiser project, thanks to the Mailers! Multiple woods and attractive designs in Bill's cutting boards! Bill Dale does beautiful cutting boards. If you've been here...