
Showing posts from May 16, 2018

Another kilnload of new work...the Spring Fling is coming soon!

Most of these will be at the Willow Spring Fling on Saturday, May 26 (Click on photos to enlarge them.) This is an experiment -- to hold my knitting needles in some organized way.   Keith calls them porcupines and I'm calling them needle nests.  I have some ideas for different configurations, but sure do like having needles of the same size grouped together and by my side. Some nests will provide room for a needle gauge so it's convenient to double check needle size before starting a new project.   Do you have suggestions for future designs?  Soon I will also be making a sewing station, too,  thanks to a photo sent by Carolyn S.  Tools of the trade for organization and easy access are a good fit for my desire to create "functional pottery with personality."   Yes, I welcome your ideas about what you'd like to see made of clay. Medium-sized trays - a variety of shapes, glazes, and textures. Mother Nature's ber...