Time To Tell... Saturday of Memorial Weekend
The next Willow Studio Art Spring Fling Tour will be Saturday, May 27. Yes, it's a tour of Willow studios and will be an opportunity to see new work, chat with your neighbors, meet some folks, and buy some unique, handmade art along the way. At this point, mark your calendar and watch for future details, flyers, postings, and updates here and elsewhere. All the photos should enlarge if you click on them. I unloaded a very weird piece from the kiln yesterday. It started out as a yarn bowl; during the firing, however, it reconfigured itself into something else, but I don't know what! So, what could it be used for now? Oops....now how can it be used? The rest of the yarn bowls behaved themselves, for the most part, and will soon be in area shops. Stacked yarn bowls...but you get the idea that each is unique If a yarn or gift shop near you wants to replenish their inventory of yarn bowls, please suggest they get in touch. I'll hang on to some a...