
Showing posts from March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

Iditarod Restart in Willow today, and we hear planes in the sky, snow machines on the lake and nearby trails, and undoubtedly the dogs are howling with excitement over at the starting point on Willow Lake.  My knee surgery on Thursday went very well -- and I could probably be out on the trail watching the dog teams and mushers, but decided it's better to ice the knee this afternoon rather than risk navigating in the snow and ice with crowds of excited Iditarod fans. No pain pills needed, no crutches, and I'm anticipating a good result! Mt. McKinley is looking beautiful across the lake and this is a comfy spot to be today.  Jon's family and their friends are in the cabin this weekend and will bring back a live report from the scene of the Iditarod action, I'm sure. At the moment, the kids are enjoying driving their snow machine round and round in the driveway circle. Just ordered WillowAK Pottery cards and labels -- probably more than needed, but they're nice to h...