Expectations often don't match reality. . .
Hope Mother's Day was a good day for you, whatever your circumstances. A little bit of everything here weatherwise: sunshine, heavy rain, sleet; light showers, sun again! Part I...Things don't always work out as we expect they will when it comes to pottery: 1. I refired mugs made for Don after adding LOTS of white snow on the spruce boughs. He wants "very wintery" looking mugs like his favorite one made several years ago. Well, apparently the white glaze doesn't have quite the punch it once had, and the blue has changed, too. Below is Don's favorite mug, followed by those I recently fired with an extra snow load...but they will not likely measure up to the "very wintery" look desired. It may be time to start over with new mugs and some different white glaze. Sorry, Don. I'll get closer, eventually, but come take a look at how these look now. You may like the coloration change that happened in the refire. Thanks for your patience. Less wint...