
Showing posts from November 22, 2016

Turkey Time...and Pie Plates

There's a fox in the fog and snow if you look closely.   Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Love that it's all about family, friends, and food, without being as commercialized as other holidays.  Over the years, friends who bake wonderful pies have revealed that they often don't get their pie plates returned; those clear glass Pyrex pie plates somehow get added to a stack of similar pie plates in a kitchen away from home, so replacements are needed.  Sound familiar?  I've had requests for "personalized pie plates" and other requests for any pie plate that will stand out from the Pyrex collection.  Unloaded a few like that from the kiln yesterday: Same snowfall... enjoyed by a rascally rabbit. Not much snow outside in Willow yet,  but it was time to make some happen in the studio.   Although these are referred to as "pie plates," they serve well for baking rolls or brownies, for serving cookies or bars, for prese...