November 3, 2014

Yes, it's time to show you some of the beautiful art you'll see at WillowAK Pottery on Nov. 22. No, not the pottery, but fiber and wood pieces created by three of the guest artists Melinda Dale, across the lake from us, will have beautiful quilted wall hangings and a collection of wood pieces created by her husband, Bill. Melinda is both a designer of quilts, with her patterns sold in quilt shops around the state, and a fabulous, creative quilter. What a treat it is to join her for an afternoon in her sunny quilting room, where magic happens! Matanuska Sunrise Whimsical Garden While Melinda's sewing machine is whirring, her husband, Bill, is often busy in his wood shop creating beautiful cutting boards and rolling pins, which will also be available. Bill's Cutting Boards -- Beautiful as serving trays, too! Bill's Rolling Pins an...