
Showing posts from January 21, 2024

The New Year is here...we're moving forward!

The yard is full of snow. Today the colored lights on the front porch will come down, as will those in the loft. We've had Christmas, my birthday, New Year, and Keith's birthday.  We've appreciated special visits with family and friends in recent weeks and are so very grateful to be looking forward to longer days, more sunshine, and decent health -- for you and for us.  This week, the clay mixer in the studio is due to have a new controller installed, and soon we hope Keith's John Deere snowblower will again be performing as it should.  Still more research to do on that. Then...we're ready to move forward! Willow could not be more beautiful than it has been recently. Pure white snow, still woods, blue skies, spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We've had moose visiting our neighborhood and property; good to know they are still with us. The grandsons who live in Alaska have all had fine vacations at home and have now returned to their studies elsewhere. The grandson...