Dec. 8-9, Studio Open House

Hello! We had our first WillowAK Pottery Open House last weekend . . . Thank you, John! It was fun to do an "open studio" event and great to see friends I'd not seen for awhile! Had visitors from Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla and Willow. Not lots of people -- but there was time to visit with those who did come, time to show the house to those interested, and time to wrap pottery for those wanting gifts for themselves or others. I'm very appreciative that some could come on Saturday and Sunday, and am looking forward to seeing those who said they couldn't make it then -- but want to visit soon. By arrangement, that's very doable. Baked snowball cookies, sugar cookies, and cupcakes to offer with munchies and beverage. Set up eight display stations with a variety of "pieces with personality" and folks had lots of questions about the process -- if they were not potters themselves. Here are some of the stations: Fish, dog yard, bird, and b...