Studio Art Tour....Preparations Underway

Four studios and many more artists are preparing for the Willow Spring Fling Art Studio Tour...and we'll start giving you a preview of what you may see on Saturday, May 27, 10:00-5:00. I recently unloaded a kiln with some new work and some re-fired work. Here is a sampling of pieces from that kiln, ranging from large, undulating serving bowls, to a quaint container for whatever you decide. The pie plates are the best I've ever made, so I will make more of them while it's going so well! If there is a form you are hoping to find in the studio, it's not too late to let me know. There will be lots of "making" in the coming week or two. Large, undulating serving bowl. Yes, I've been tangling. Large, ribbed serving bowl with tangled bottom. Moose dressed up with no place to go. Low profile bowl busy with black and blue. Blueberry pie plate. Fern pie plate. Pine cone pie plate Quaint container for fresh flowers,...