Silent Art Auction: Winter Carnival 2018

Winter Carnival Silent Art Auction during the Kick-Off Dinner on Friday, January 26, 2018. Quick Draw Artists: Chip Brock and Scott Thompson! Bid sheets will be provided for the amazing Quick Draw art that will be created on the stage that evening, as well as for a variety of beautiful art pieces and experiences donated by others. It's a GREAT opportunity to collect original art and have fun doing so! Bid High and Bid Often Thanks to the artists who create and to the bidders who buy! Yes, this is a fundraiser for WACO. Volunteer Auctioneers: Carrie Smoldon and Anne Gonzalez Prepare yourself for bidding by getting a look at the items ahead of time! Along with those shown below, will be the original paintings created during Quick Draw! Click on images to enlarge them. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 "Bear Hook" by Rachel Harrison, 6.5"x 9", Hooked On...