
Showing posts from September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013

Open House at WillowAK Pottery on Nov. 16 and 17. Please mark your calendar if you're within driving distance and stay tuned for details closer to the time!  Gather your neighbors and friends and come see the pottery. Lots of soil, seed, rock, time and talent have been involved  With summer coming to an end, we're celebrating the green grass and rock pathways.  Quite a transformation, thanks to Keith's hard work, from how things looked a year ago.  He mentioned having 200 hours with his faithful friend this summer -- John Deere.  We had periods of too little water and those of too much water, so it's been a challenge.  Thank goodness the resident landscaper/groundskeeper cares, is dedicated, and in good health! The deck staining is completed, thank you Steve, and things are looking pretty finished around here!     So, fall officially begins tomorrow, but I think it actually came in the backdoor a little early. When it looks like f...