Hot from the kiln . . .

I like to show a few of the newest pieces from the kiln so you have a better idea of what to expect in the studio on the Willow Garden Tour...which happens TOMORROW! This is a design you will see on many of my pieces going forward. Carved, stamped, Alaskan. "Spruce and Moose" is the theme. Think small pitcher, heart bowl, toothpick holder, treats or coins. Or think anything you'd choose to put in these pieces. Vase, covered dishes, holder for large sponge. Floral arrangement bowls or mosquito coil holders. A French butter dish assembled. It takes two parts: water in bowl on the left; butter pressed into the one on the right, which is flipped over onto the bowl with water. Leave on the counter, without refrigeration and with soft butter. One fish, two fish, three fish platter for treats. Matching coasters to place under liquid treats. Cream-colored bowls. Clean and simple. s "Spruce and Moose" mug up close. T...