Quite a week of weather in the Willow area! Rivers are over their banks and folks have been evacuated from Talkeetna. Our property is water logged, with the meadow looking like a pond, but it appears that the heavy rains are over. Hopefully the drying out process has begun. Some sunshine would help! We'd just had loam and topsoil spread before the rains began, so that soft ground became pretty mucky in a hurry. No personal injuries that we heard of, but considerable loss of property in the area, which is sad. I'll get more news about local impact when the knitting group meets on Wednesday.
Did get some studio time last week. How nice to have full control over space, temperature and the environment in general. Turn on my tunes, wedge the clay, spin the wheel, and enjoy the nice view -- until the phone rings. Still need to answer calls since the electrician, gutter installers, plumber, builder, and others have been in contact regarding a few follow-up tasks, and don't want to miss their calls.
Here's how things are looking in the studio, with a few other photos thrown in:
Lake view from glaze room |
Path to studio |
Pieces on this rack are ready for bisque firing |
Pieces on this rack are glazed and ready to sell |
Wood stove fires are good company in the studio |
Lake view from the wheel |
Should have capitalized the AK |
Else, Noah, and Ben with Noah's Nook |
Fluffer -- stray visitor |
Nice to have Jon's family join us Friday night and spend Saturday. Else arrived with a delicious BBQ spareribs, coleslaw, and cornmeal muffin dinner. The stray dog that seems to be settling in at our house received plenty of attention; hopefully an owner is looking for him and will contact us. Signs and notices are out. Ben named him Fluffer for the time being.
DirectTV vs DishNetwork became an issue of consideration this week; we stood in a pouring
rain late one night with installers, trying to figure out the best
option. Finally said we'd give them a call after doing some research -- and think we'll go with using the current pole and
conduit, which means DishNetwork's basic package and minimal branch
trimming to view the satellite.
Temp is 49 degrees at noon, and it appears that will be the high for today. Cedar went right over the top of the dog kennel when Otter showed up with Jon's family, so it's Keith's turn in the kennel game once again. Cedar is the only dog we've ever had who is an escape artist. Keith remodels after each of her moves -- but is running out of design plans. Next move may be a totally enclosed kennel area.
Thinking yarn bowls and covered butter dishes for this week. Hope the clay cooperates. Anyone wanting small cups, plates, or bowls with children's names and birthdates? They make unique baby gifts for little ones. Remember to check out the Willow Creek Studio in Willow if you're driving the Parks Highway on a Saturday -- mile 69.5. Search Willow Creek Gallery on Facebook. You'll find a nice variety of art from Valley residents, including the carvings and paintings of owner Scott Thompson.
Tis Sunday afternoon, now raining again, and I'm off to the studio.