Hello! We had our first WillowAK Pottery Open House last weekend . . .
Thank you, John! |
It was fun to do an "open studio" event and great to see friends I'd not seen for awhile! Had visitors from Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla and Willow. Not lots of people -- but there was time to visit with those who did come, time to show the house to those interested, and time to wrap pottery for those wanting gifts for themselves or others. I'm very appreciative that some could come on Saturday and Sunday, and am looking forward to seeing those who said they couldn't make it then -- but want to visit soon. By arrangement, that's very doable.
Baked snowball cookies, sugar cookies, and cupcakes to offer with munchies and beverage. Set up eight display stations with a variety of "pieces with personality" and folks had lots of questions about the process -- if they were not potters themselves. Here are some of the stations:
Fish, dog yard, bird, and buds. |
Mugs, tumblers, little bowls. |
Covered dishes and serving bowls. |
Colander and large bowls. |
Gathered some ideas of what folks would like to see in the future:
yarn bowls, larger mugs, blue/nutmeg glaze combination, large platters.
What else?
Pendants for cord pulls? zipper pulls? ideas? |
Our Christmas tree this year? |
Thank you to Teeple Cabinets and Construction! |
Pieces going to Dena'ina Ctr.
Christmas Village. |
After the open house, Willowbillies of Alaska picked up some pieces to include at their table in the Dec. 15 Christmas Village in Anchorage.
The weather has taken a swing to ABOVE zero temps, which we've not seen for many weeks. About 8-9 inches of snow fell Saturday night and another 5-6 Sunday night, so Keith's getting some practice time -- shoveling, then pushing the snow blower, then driving the tractor with snow blower attachment. Snow removal is an all-day project after a snowfall if you do the kind of job he does.
Ice seals on the deck railing. |
Ice seals and ice trees were easy to create in the really cold weather, so I've done some outdoor decorating with these -- placing them on railings and decks.
Yarn bowl. Need one? |
My dear on his Deere. |
It's nearly 5:00 on Monday and the man who works around here, all day every day, is still out on his tractor. He'll be happy to be called in for dinner! Before doing that, however, I have an announcement. We did a drawing last night to see which visitor to the WillowAK Pottery Open House will receive a gift certificate for pottery from the studio.
The name drawn was:
Kristy Havasi
I'll be in touch with you, Kristy. Congratulations. Keith said, "Oh, she's the one who said, when sitting in the rocker in the loft, 'I could live here!'"
If all goes well, we'll do another open house in the spring. Meanwhile, do get in touch if you want to visit the studio before then. I'll be working on more "pieces with personality" -- and they'll need homes.
Feel free to offer comments below. Thanks. ~ Carol