Plans are underway for a Willow Art Studio Tour on August 16, 11:00 - 4:00. Maps will be available at Willow Creek Studio, mile 69.5. Those putting plans together are glass artist Bonnie Church, painter and shadow box creator Penni Cross, Willow Creek Studio owner Joan Thompson, and myself. Watch for more details -- and mark your calendar for August 16!
There will be plenty of yarn bowls this time! Here's what I unloaded from a bisque kiln today:
Any knitters or crocheters on your gift list? |
Large platters, colander and serving dishes. |
Bowls, mugs, vases, and tumblers. |
A failed attempt at Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. I'll try again. | |
The above items, with the exception of the nativity figures, will be glazed and available during the Willow Art Studio Tour. Scott Thompson will be demonstrating wood carving at Willow Creek Studio, where artist Penni Cross will also be featured; Bonnie Church will be showing glass work in her Bonnie's Blings studio; I plan to be working at the wheel in WillowAK Pottery. Stay tuned for more news about this event.
Touring local gardens over the weekend was great. Wow...what beautiful gardens and devoted gardeners!! The work, dedication, and results are most impressive. If you didn't do the tour this year, there will be another chance next summer!
We enjoyed lunch and a nice afternoon today with two couples who have been family friends of ours over many years. Our sons were buddies in junior and senior high and have kept their friendships alive for nearly 30 years now. The six of us gathered at the lunch table this afternoon represent about 150 years of marriage, and it's interesting to get together occasionally to catch up on one another's news -- mostly family news, travel news, and more health news creeps into the conversation each year. No politics.
More about the August 16 Willow Art Studio Tour soon.