Next Willow Art Studio Tour will be Saturday, May 30.
Mark your calendar now. Hope you'll find time to see and support local art -- and to have a good time doing so! Flyers and other announcements will provide details.
Yes, we are still around and studio time continues to be special time. There are more "pieces with personality" available than ever before - new forms and colors along with the "tried and true" that collectors have requested and suggested.
Since last blogging, however, we've enjoyed lots of other activities associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years with our three grown children/spouses and five grandsons, my birthday, Keith's birthday, Winter Carnival, our 50th wedding anniversary, Iditarod, Valentines, a trip to Florida and Alabama, Easter, Saturday dog trainings, pottery workshops, lots of knitting, and the list goes on. Thankfully, we can still do most things we like to do, but admittedly we've come to cherish "calm" far more than "busy." With electronic connectivity available when wanted, rural life seems to offer it all -- everything from quiet reflection and solitude to immersing ourselves in what's going on in the world, when we so choose. Have had occasional spurts of being a news junkie, then opt to be engaged in more positive, productive, and pleasant endeavors, selecting music rather than Gavel to Gavel.
Earlier this week a kiln load of glazed work was fired; hopefully a second one will be ready to fire by next weekend. Wow... making porcelain buttons is a labor intensive process; may these miniature porcelain trees, bears, moose, and dogs find their way into the hearts of fiber artists and others who like an Alaskan accent or embellishment. Yarn bowls, check; platters, check; mugs, check; wine chillers, check; ornaments, check; garden markers, check; etc. Will show and tell you more soon.
Mainly wanted to publish the May 30 tour date in this posting, and to report that both Melinda Dale and Joan Edwards will be offering their beautiful quilted pieces here in our studio on that date. There is more good news yet to come. Thanks for your interest.
The following photos reflect some of what we've been doing since the last blog entry:
Grandsons at play |
Unglazed buttons --with penny |
Rendezvous of Brown siblings. Loved it! |
Serving platter, unglazed |
The penny you see in many photos is meant to show relative size.
You are not seeing a hole in the middle of platters and bowls.
Unglazed ornaments |
Serving bowl with penny |
Bride and groom in 1965 |
Wool, knit hood...super warm |
Lots of knitting this winter -- of hoods, socks, and clogs. Thank goodness the hands like to keep moving! The wool yarn supply in my cache is still beckoning and there always seem to be growing feet around that can use a new pair of hand knit socks. So, knitting continues to be a favorite hobby and knitting with friends, weekly, helps keep me connected. Consider it a technology-freel version of "Hanging With Friends."
Involvement with the Willow Library Association, the Willow Garden Club, and the Iditaquilters Guild also gets me out to work with others on worthwhile projects and programs, which is a good thing. I could easily become a hobby hermit without these involvements.
Necklaces |
Wine chiller design -- more requested |
Yarn bowls, unglazed |
Slab o' fish -- now glazed glossy black |
Spring? |
This may not look like spring to you, but what appeared to be a snow sculpture just days ago, is gone today.
That's it for tonight. More news about pieces with personality, soon. Thanks for checking back from time to time -- or better yet, subscribing to the blog so you are automatically notified of new postings.
~ Carol