'Tis looking a lot like fall here today, the ground blanketed with yellow leaves. We took our raft out on the lake after supper and it appears that canoes, kayaks, boats, and docks are being prepared for another winter. Keith declared it a good day for cleaning some equipment in the studio, while he still could use outdoor hoses, so that's what he did. What a guy! Love his help and support.
So, it's one of those rare occasions when the studio equipment is clean; the display shelves dusted; the floor washed; and bats, tools, and aprons ready for another round. Today a recent load of bisque ware was rinsed and waxed. So, here's a look at what's coming next.
Blaze King inserts ... have any spares? |
Oh, first, let me ask if anyone has a couple extra Blaze King inserts on hand that are not needed? I'm making some for a family whose home burned in the Sockeye fire, but a Plan B is never a bad idea in case what I'm making isn't a good fit. Think I have it covered, but if there are some "original inserts" sitting around, no longer wanted or needed, that would be good to know. Here's what one looks like. Since the porcelain clay with which I work shrinks 12-13%, there's some finger crossing going on here; I have three pair awaiting glaze, hoping at least one pair will be a perfect fit.
The photos below are of bisque ware. These pieces have all had one firing to about 1828 degrees Fahrenheit; many have been silk screened with plants, animals, and birds, and many are carved and altered. That's how they start developing personality, of course.
What you see on the table are lots of yarn bowls (yes, knitters, crocheters, and yarn shops are still requesting them), platters of various shapes and design, many covered butter dishes, a collection of little bowls, mugs for young and old, and ornaments -- trees and fish this time around, and more. Made a couple of molds, too, for use with future slab projects.
Silk screened bird, squirrel, moose, rabbit, and pine cones |
A couple batter bowls, a cookie jar, covered veggie dish, and stove inserts |
Covered butter dishes, ornaments, pie plates, and mugs |
More of the same from a different angle |
And I must confirm which of these two berry designs Karen reserved |
Yes, time to mix the glazes and do some dipping, pouring, brushing, embellishing, measuring, firing, unloading, and sanding. When these pieces are completed, each with a developing personality, I'll gather them up for group photos. If there's someone here you want to meet up close and personal, please let me know and we will arrange that.
Oh....the word is out:
Saturday, November 14 is the Willow Holiday Art Studio Tour. For those calendar markers out there we are announcing the date early! Consider this a "SAVE the DATE" announcement and stay tuned for details.