Ornaments Anyone?

Porcelain Ornaments ... something for everyone!

Yes, creatures of Mother Nature are ready for adoption. Certainly you have friends who would like a handmade Alaskan ornament to remind them of a previous or planned visit.  Think hostess gift, housewarming gift, thank-you gift, stocking stuffer, get-well gift, baby gift, happy holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and "random acts of kindness." The images below show some, but not all of the ornament styles available. Several of these can be personalized with names if you so desire:

Bunny Buddies
Leaping, Lonely, Which One Is Different?, and Following the Leader 
Fox and Fir
On Land and Sea and In the Air
Triple Trouble
More Moose On the Loose
Additional photos will be posted before the Dec. 3 Holiday Tour of Art Studios in Willow. Along with the pottery at WillowAK Pottery, you will find collections of beautiful bread boards and stylish snowmen; quilted bags, table runners, placemats and wall hangings;  felted clogs, and more.   You will also find beautiful art pieces at Willow Creek Studio and Bonnie's Borealis Glassworks.  Stay tuned.  Hope to see you on Dec. 3.