Announcing Door Prize Winners

Turnout for the Willow Spring Fling Studio Art Tour was wonderful and we've sent  personal messages to the door prize winners.  Thought others may like to know who the winners are, too:

•  Willow Creek certificate.....Adrian Johnson
•  Karen Mattson Studio.....original painting.....Sharon Taylor; Sheri's bowl.....Gabrielle Sterner
•  Bonnie's Borealis certificate....Stephanie Todd
•  WillowAK certificate.....Suzie Mayer

The event also raised money for Willow's Grow Your Library Fund, thanks to the plant sale by Bill and Kathy Mailer, and silent auction pieces provided by several participating artists.

The 5K Fun Run was also a success, with 52 registrations.  Nice job, Stephanie!

Events like these take considerable time and effort to put on in our community. If all goes well, we will try to make it happen again in 2018. We hope you found May 27 to be a great day to be in Willow and thank you for supporting the arts and the library.

Enjoy a WONDERFUL summer!