The lake has been calm and blue, white-capped and dark, and everything in between today! The winds, they were a-changin', and the yellow leaves, they were a-fallin'. Not much happened in the studio in recent months, but I made a few commitments for delivery by the end of summer, including some of the following samples of what was unloaded from the kiln this morning.
All photos should enlarge when you click on them.
Apple bakers...with recipe sheet | |
Sage, simple serving tray |
Sample blue mugs |
Sample sage mugs |
Sample non-blue and non-sage mugs |
Elegant sage and blue serving tray with handles |
Whimsical serving tray |
The organic look in a serving bowl |
The mottled look in a serving bowl |
Dog dishes to slow down the eating frenzy |
Alaska ornaments, and a sweet bowl 'n pitcher pair |
Small bowls in a row |
Today's favorite of the small bowls |
Brown bears, black bears, and polar bears |
Fish bowl |
A surprise. Reminds me of a hole in the ice. |
Serving bowl, pierced (fruit) bowl, colander |
And, of course, yarn bowls. Far right one has a lid. |
Sorry, but these finned friends are returning to the glaze room. Spawning silvers? |
If there is something here that you requested, you will be hearing from me next week.
If there is something here in which you are interested, I'd like to hear from you next week.
The plan is for lots of studio time in the fall. Meanwhile, enjoy a safe Labor Day weekend!
~ Carol
WillowAK Pottery