Getting ready . . . for Dec. 7

Yes, things are coming together in the studio for the
Willow Holiday Studio Art Tour on Dec. 7.
It doesn't happen as quickly as it once did, but it does happen. 😊

So far, ornaments, buttons, apple bakers, bacon cookers, platters, mugs, yunomis, platters, appetizer trays, platters, vases, people pots, serving bowls, dessert bowls, and more.

Ornaments awaiting glaze firing.

A couple moose up close and personal.

A bowl of moose after firing; each unique and awaiting a name.

Other pieces from a recent glaze firing

Carving, stamping, and altered bowl

"Talkeetna" and snowflake for a a mug order.
Yes, still more glazing to do.
There is a Christmas Bazaar at the Methodist Church on the same day.  Along with visiting the three participating studios, stop by the bazaar where soup and bread are served, Christmas cookies, crafts, and family treasures are for sale.

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