It's Time . . .

Time to tell you that new creations are out of the kiln!

Please let me know if you are interested in seeing or knowing more about what you view here: 

Some is funky, some fun, all functional.  Gifts galore...for you or for family and friends.

(Click on images to enlarge them.)

A popular mug design inspired me to make more of them.

The big picture.
Large wood-grained platter 11"x 13.5".
Square plate about 9"x9".
Mugs and more mugs in every kiln load.

Pieces with many possibilities. You decide.

Give these handles a try. Gloria likes them!

By request, these received large handles. Don?

Just a simple little bowl with plenty of uses.


Mushrooms.  Is this what you had in mind, Christy?      
A large circular serving tray.
A large serving bowl...holding moose head ornaments in photo.

Floral frog bowl for flower arrangements #1.

Floral frog bowl for flower arrangements #2.

Floral frog bowl for flower arrangements #3 and more . . .

Fun underglazes on a large serving bowl.

The watercolor look on a funky little tray about 10"

A set of six 9"x9" "wood look" plates.

Very light-weight serving bowl.

 That's all for now. Have a great summer!

If curious about the process or product, arrange to

come by for a look at WillowAK Pottery.

~ Carol

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